Tuesday, May 11, 2021


It might interest you, to see the route of my hike following the mountains to Nepal. So I added the point 'Route' under the header.

However, it's just a VERY rough idea for the first part of my hike. I have already a gpx track of my route for this summer to Istanbul, following the Carpathians. However, it's not clear if I can follow it as planned, due to corona-restrictions! 

Since I'm not sure what I will do in winter (hiking, working or relaxing), the route through Turkey might be not as direct as I have shown on the picture.

But I want to hike to Georgia and follow the Caucasus mountains the summer of 2022.

Afterwards, it's going to be Iran, but then it really gets tricky and I might not be able to do a continues hike. Since Afghanistan and Pakistan are not a good idea. For a more northern route through the '-stan' countries, I might get visa problems. But I'm not concerned yet. It's still more than 2 years :)



  1. Hallo liebe Anke, ich folge deinem Blog mit großer Faszination und Begeisterung! Falls du später dann mal Kontakte in Iran und auch Tajikostan brauchst, sag bescheid. In Afghanistan habe ich auch Freunde, aber davon würde ich (leider) eher abraten. Weiter so! Liebe Grüße, Becci (damals... auf dr Alb...)

  2. Hallo Becci, freut mich, von dir zu hören und dass du meinem Blog folgst. Danke, es dauert zwar noch ein bischen, aber auf dein Angebot komme ich sehr gerne zurück und melde mich bei dir per email!


Georgia - Part 8: Lagodekhi Nature Reserve - the end of hiking in Georgia

Georgia 05.-11.09.2022 From our last hike, which ended in Artana, we hitchhiked to Lagodekhi. It went incredibly smooth and took us 5 rides,...